Safe Bunkers of Biofuels

To ensure the safe biofuel bunkering of ships at ports, the characteristics that may arise in biofuel bunkering are summarized and explained based on the existing regulations and procedures for conventional marine fuel bunkering.

Options for Reducing Methane Emissions from New and Existing LNG-Fueled Ships

To evaluate the effectiveness of various technological and operational measures to reduce methane emissions from LNG-fueled vessels, to assess the current status of LNG engine technology, and finally to provide recommendations for policy changes and technological improvements to mitigate methane emissions from LNG-fueled vessels.

The overview of the discussions at IMO MEPC 80 and frequently asked questions

To provide the overview and interpretation of the outcomes of agenda item 7 of the 80th session of Marine Environment Protection Committee

The role of energy efficiency regulations

The characteristics of the EEDI, EEXI, and CII regulations on ship energy efficiency and their practical impact on the maritime industry were analyzed. The role of each stakeholder in achieving the original purpose of these regulations was explained in realistic terms.

In particular, it introduces the positive impact of the EEDI regulation on the development of energy efficiency improvement technologies of ships, the limitations of the EEXI regulation, and the interrelationships between stakeholders for effective implementation of the CII regulation.

Distributinig Carbon Revenues from Shipping

The report discusses which countries could access carbon revenues, for what purposes, and on what terms. It argues that revenues should be used to decarbonize shipping, enhance maritime infrastructure, and support broader climate aims. This (mix of options to use carbon revenues) would speed up shipping’s transition to zero-carbon energy, help build the necessary infrastructure, lower maritime transport costs, and result in climate benefits beyond maritime transport. It would also ensure that all countries, including those with no shipping industry or ports, could access carbon revenues. By developing a smart and flexible framework, the report shows how carbon revenues could be distributed to maximize climate benefits and support an equitable transition.

Climate Action in Shipping (Progress Towards Shipping’s 2030 Breakthrough)

To urge further progress through evaluation of the performance of the technology and supply sector, demand sector, finance sector, policy sector and civil society sector in shipping over the past year

Key Issues in LCA Methodology for Marine Fuels

To highlight the impact of key considerations and methodological decisions when doing an LCA and demonstrate how these can impact the emissions attributed to different fuels

Applying Alternative Fuels to Existing Ships (Engine Retrofit Report 2023)

To explore decarbonization through retrofitting existing ships and analyze the price gap between alternative fuels and conventional fuels through forecast scenarios for the application of alternative fuel technologies in ship retrofits

It is worth noting that this report proposes a required carbon tax of $350 per ton of CO2 in order to bridge the price gap between existing marine fuels and the latest eco-friendly alternative fuels, such as methanol and ammonia.